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How to issue a full refund or partial refund
How to issue a full refund or partial refund
Written by Mark Bushy
Updated over a week ago


On the Event Dashboard, click on Reports > Order/Registrations under the Track heading.

Then, search the name or order number of the guest to refund. Once you are in the Order, click on Refund Order. This will issue a FULL refund.

Once the order is refunded, you will see a REFUNDED notation next to the order.

Please note: You will need to go into each order individually to issue a refund. To issue a refund on multiple orders at once, log into your Stripe account using the credentials created when you set up your account.


It is not possible to issue a partial refund via the EventCreate dashboard. Instead, log into your Stripe account using the credentials created when you set up your account.

Please note: when you refund via Stripe, the information may not fully sync with the data in your EventCreate Dashboard.

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